
Online Studies for 6-7 year-old children

Rule Understanding

We are interested in how children and adults think about the possibility and permissibility of acting against rules.  In this activity, children will learn about other children who follow or break rules and tell us what they think about these rule violations.

Age 5-6. Approximate length: 10-15 minutes.

Click here to sign up!

Questions? Contact Dr. Meltem Yucel (nmy6@duke.edu).

Children’s Talk in Collaborative Settings

We are interested in seeing how much children talking to each other influences how close they feel to each other! In this study, your child will interact with another child over Zoom. They will talk to one another, about their own interests and about possible teammates. 

Age 6-7. Approximate length: 30-40 minutes.

Click here to sign up!

Questions? Contact Dr. Meltem Yucel (nmy6@duke.edu).

Information Sharing

We are interested in how children think about when it is okay to share information with others. In this activity, children will learn about other children sharing different types of information and tell us what they think about these rule violations.

Age 5-7. Approximate length: 10-15 minutes. 

Click here to sign up!

Questions? Contact Dr. Meltem Yucel (nmy6@duke.edu).

The Rules of Mouse Land

How do children generalize rules? In this game, children will be told a story about Marky the mouse and the rules of where he lives. Children will then be asked if Marky can or cannot do certain things based on those rules.

Ages 4-6. Approx length = 5-7 mins

Click here to sign up!

Questions? Contact Jessa Stegall (jrs182@duke.edu).